How it works

Why choose us?

182 Network Offices
103 Years Experience
2.478 On Time Deliveries
1.774 Games of Pool



What do our clients say?

” We send our order information into STER and they take over our logistics process. They keep us informed of all the steps they take to ensure our products arrive on time and in full. STER is a small forwarder, which ensures us they are committed to their service. “

Just-In-Time Airfreight Customer United States of America

” We vonden dat onze zendingen meer aandacht verdienden. STER-Logistics overtreft ruim onze verwachtingen. Flexibiliteit, betrouwbaarheid en Afspraak = Afspraak zijn de gouden regels binnen het STER team. Altijd beschikbaar zijn is hun “normaal”. Over vakkennis bestaat geen twijfel, het management team heeft samen ruim 100 jaar ervaring. “

Project Customer The Netherlands

” I sell to customers all over the world. In Netherlands STER is my partner. They receive our bulk shipments. They custom clear goods for us and deliver to end customer. Our customers are very happy with our service. We are very happy with using STER. “

Business To Consumer Customer People’s Republic of China

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